Saturday, June 08, 2002

As you can see... I think so much of myself that I figure others on the net might actually care what I am thinking. Time for a little therapy?? Nope! Instead.. I got Mozilla 1.0 and it rocks my world. Here's why:
1. Obviously it is more secure than.. you know. Not many virus' written for the Netscape/Mozilla address book.. actually, none that I know of.
2. Some really interesting plugins like making your mouse into sort of "freehand shortcuts" thing. Very cool. Tabbed browsing. Multiple email accounts. Skins! The ability to write to your Blog (what this is) right in the browser! Overall... I'm giddy.
3. Built in ICQ (if you need it).
4. It's free.!

OK. Enough advertizing. We'll see about further posts.



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