Thursday, January 17, 2013

Pleasure Can Lead to Pain

Ah, Christmas sweets.   I'm still wading through them as they lay waste to my waist!   Christmas chocolates, candies, cookies, nuts, chocolate covered nuts, tarts, poppycock, chocolate covered poppycock.... etc!  Clearly, I can't let these go to waste (waist), nor let my kids eat them so I've taken on the huge task of scarfing them down.  A British fellow named Michael Mosley was exploring the topic of pleasure and pain and took it upon himself to eat as much chocolate as possible thereby moving from experiencing pleasure in the sweetness of chocolate to the point of where it becomes painful.  ( Mosley makes an astute observation.  Pleasure, by it's very nature, is fleeting.  Transient.  And, just as eating too much chocolate (or sweets) can lead to revulsion and even to pain, so too it is with the pleasures of life. 

The Bible says that we are to seek God, first and foremost, and His right things for our life.  Since God created us He actually knows what is the best for us.  When we put the pursuit of pleasure (happiness) first in our lives we end up overdosing and causing problems.  However, people often get confused at this point and think that God actually doesn't want us to have pleasure at all....which is far from the truth.  God is the master of dispensing pleasure in just the right amounts so as to not sully it or cause it to cause us problems.  God designed pleasure to be experienced in all areas of life (physical, emotional, sexual, relational) within His boundaries so that we can get the most enjoyment and fulfillment possible out of it. 

My mom used to say "don't spoil your appetite" when we'd go for a snack just before a main meal.  But simply putting off my desire to snack I am able to anticipate and enjoy my special meal that much more!  Michelle and I were heading out to a Christmas party meal and I purposely avoided snacking all that afternoon so that I could enjoy my meal to it's fullest!  And it worked.  It is a disappointing thing to sit down for a wonderful meal only to discover that you aren't actually hungry for it.  Maybe that's why restaurants advertise like crazy around meal times.  They are hoping to catch you when you're hungry!

So, learn to trust God with your pleasures and He'll ensure they don't turn into pain!
